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HARP Meeting

January 12, 2023
6:00 PM
Homestead Township Hall

Monthly Meeting Minutes
January 12, 2023


Board members present: Ingemar Johansson, Paul Shulte, Bruce Wilde, Bob Rosa, Randi Stoltz, Bill Ward, Lori Malmstrom.

Board members absent: Peter Gallopin

Others present: Mike Mead ( Homestead Township Council Member), Tim Knudsen ( Becket & Raeder) on line, Pam Yee, Tom Mountz, Jeanette Pritchet ( via telephone)

Knutsen reviewed his emails to the board.
Restrooms to be delivered by Spring and installed in accordance with Frost Law timing.
Shulte inquired about the Kayak launch progress, hoping for completion before Memorial Day.
Bid proposals have been sent to contractors and bids will be opened Jan. 31. 2PM at the Homestead Township hall. Wilde, and Stoltz volunteered to attend bid opening.
Plans for additional fishing platform will not require permitting based on design. Stoltz asks if costs will fall under current grants. Knutsen responds-Yes
Completion of the first trail planned for July 21, dependent upon how early work can begin
Landscaping and rain garden to be completed in Spring
-Final coat of asphalt to be applied after heavy work is completed

Rosa addresses access for construction vehicles and materials. Indicates the existence of a box culvert crossing to the property off of US 31.
-Knutsen will contact MDOT concerning suitability of this crossing.
-Rosa observes that a number of trees would need to be cleared for this access.

Mountz will gather information concerning memorial benches.

Stoltz - Treasurer’s Report
-Spread sheet delivered to board
-Question about allocation of funds. Any money designated for park should be forwarded to Homestead Township.
-$100 donation to be deposited in Endowment Fund: Motion made by Ward, Second Shulte . Roll Call Vote
Ingemar Johansson, Paul Shulte, Bruce Wilde, Bob Rosa, Randi Stoltz, Bill Ward, Lori Malmstrom vote yes. No opposition.
- Stoltz presents proposal to continue HARP listing on the Benzie Chamber of Commerce for a fee of $175. Unanimous support.

5. Discussion of treasury balance -Motion made by Rosa, second Malmstrom, to deposit $40,000 into an Honor Bank CD paying 3% interest. Roll Call Vote
Ingemar Johansson, Paul Shulte, Bruce Wilde, Bob Rosa, Randi Stoltz, Bill Ward, Lori Malmstrom vote yes. No opposition.

6-Shulte- Township Meeting
-Township wants reassurance that they will receive incoming grants
Currently no liability insurance on the Platte River Park property. Mallon will investigate.
There were 94 responses to the recreation survey. Master plan for park received from Beckett & Raeder. Township Recreation Plan scheduled for completion by Feb. 1.
Request to keep any soil moved in construction to be left on site.
Mead expresses need to have a gate that can be used for emergency vehicle access.
Shulte agrees to continue to communicate between HARP and Homestead Twp.

Johannson thanks Josh Stoltz and Grow Benzie for work re-establishing the HARP website

Meeting Adjourned