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PSA - Keep All Doors Locked!

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by Tia Kurina-Cooley
Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Benzie County has seen a rash of breaking and enterings (B&E's) into vehicles, garages and sheds.

The Benzie County Sheriff's Office and the Prosecuting Attorney are following leads and investigating these crimes, and charges are pending.  
Offenders are opportunistic and are targeting unlocked vehicles, garages and sheds.  Several vehicles have been stolen along with property from within the vehicles.  The offenders have also broken into garages and sheds and have stolen property and have been destructive (Malicious Destruction of Property) to the structure or the property within the garages and sheds.
Please be vigilant and lock your vehicles and under no circumstance leave your keys in the car.  Lock external doors to garages and sheds.
Report any unusual activity to the Benzie County Sheriff's Office by calling Central Dispatch at 231-882-4487.